Nampaknya hasil penjualan nintendo yang begitu tinggi membuat microsoft dan sony geregetan. pasalnya meski diliris belakngan, namun hi ngga kini console Wii mampu mencapi kesuksesan lebih tinggi dari Xbox360 and PS3!!!Belakangamn redengar kabar penualan milik sony and microsoft mengalami kenaikan dengan strategi pemotongan harga konsol.. dan kini dengan taktik baru, sampe akhir bulan microsoft dapt mendahuli penjualan Wii hingga 1,9 juta konsol!!!!!
othing is impossible equals anything is possible ================================================== ===== We cannot waste time. We can only waste ourselves... ================================================== ===== We spend 30% of our life sleeping and 20% studying at school Give more than you can take ! ================================================== ===== There are no people born losers or born winners ================================================== ===== When you're down don't let yourself in the dark, Even your shadow run away from you. ================================================== ===== Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak, sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go ================================================== ===== Experience is a great teacher; adversity is a greater ================================================== ===== The world you imagine is more real than your reality, Because that’s where our reality comes from. =========
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